
Thursday, November 28, 2019

south sudan report

            South Sudan     

Intro…… south Sudan has countries all around it of grasslands and tropical rain forest and has a lot of mud puddles. and was the world's newest country in 2011 July.

Working………. In NZ a lot of people work to help others and get more money. but in south Sudan not a lot of people work because there are not a lot of jobs in south Sudan. But the this is is that they do need more money.

Money……….in NZ there are a lot of rich people and they could get about 5 roast chickens for $15 dollars. but some people in south Sudan can’t even buy a single pen at a market.

School……….in south Sudan starts at 8 o'clock sharp and then they have breakfast and then lunch and then dinner.
In NZ we start school at 9 o'clock and have morning tea then lunch but we have leaning time in between. 

FOOD………………...when they have dinner, they have to go to there garden and get vegetables and like that's all they eat but at school they get meat and beans. In NZ we have super  

what is your fav country???

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